Monday, January 11, 2010

Who I Am ~ January 11, 2010

What makes me, me? I was born in Missouri but we moved around a lot with my dad’s job. However we go back there to visit family every year so I still consider myself a “northerner”. My father is a Minister of music at various churches so I have grown up a Christian and plan on staying that way for the rest of my life. Having a dad in ministry gave me the ability to jump in and teach kids in Sunday school and in an after school tutoring program at the church from a young age. From this experience, I found my true love, teaching.
Now I am going to college in order to get my teaching degree so that I can help more children understand hard to learn concepts. Though my major is Early Childhood education, I will be working on getting a specialization in Special Education.
I have found that my favorite musical group is Paramore. Also my favorite book is A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving. The reason why this is my favorite book is because there are a series of hidden symbols that can mean something different every time you read it. I guess that since you can get something out of this book every time you read it, it gives me a fresh reason in why to read it time and time again.
My outlook on life is that everyone should be happy for most of their lives. I know that seems like a very immature outlook, and kind of cheesy but it is truly what I believe in. I try and help others achieve this goal by constantly smiling and doing helpful little things just to make others feel good. These are just some of the things that make me, me!

That's All for now


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