Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Guido Lifestyle~ February 1, 2010

In both the show and the article, there is a certain stereotype in which Italian males and females try and squeeze themselves into. The males decide that having extremely tight shirts, muscular abs and enough hair gel in their hair to make all the children’s hair in America act right, makes them look like a Guido. Now Guidetts are a whole other species in themselves. These girls, from “Italian Decent”, walk around in tight clothes that make their fat stick out on their bodies, lots of lip gloss, hair as big as a mountain, and heels tall enough that if she accidently fell, she would twist her ankle. Appearance is key in a Guido world. If you don’t have the look, you do not have the right to call yourself a Guido. Also another similarity is that they both live on the Jersey Shore in beach houses. This gives them access to all the night life on the shore including night clubs, bars, and the beach. The way that they let others know about their house is also similar. In pumping the music up really loud and standing on the roof deck and yelling at “hot catches” from above. One more thing that makes the show and the article the same in Guido aspects is the fact that they all they really want to do is get drunk. Their life revolves around getting money for alcohol, spending the money on alcohol, and consuming the alcohol. Nothing else matters other than those few steps to getting drunk. Going to clubs, working , and getting chick all have something or another to do with their life’s goal, getting drunk.
In the article we read, the main difference from the TV show is that there are no girls living in the house, besides Moo’s girl, so there are no ugly cat fights over jealous house mates and slutty girls.

That's all for now!

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