Sunday, February 14, 2010

Wanting what we can not have ~ February 8, 2010

Isn’t it funny that we humans, especially Americans, always wish for things that we don’t have right at that moment? Americans have always had the worst case of the stuff wanting. Back in the sixties we had to be the first to the moon and claim it as ours. Given that we were scared that other counties were going to put satellites into the sky so that they can spy on us. Even currently if we see a new version of a cell phone or a play station game, we have to run right out to the store and snatch it up real fast so we can have the best of the best all the time.
I caught myself just today wishing that it was spring or summer again just because I missed the nice warm weather. However when it is spring or summer experiencing the hottest pits of the seasons, we wish that it was winter or fall again just so we can cool off. We constantly wish for something we can not have, be it materialistic or emotionally.
Another example of wanting something we can not have is on an emotional level. For example, my best friend has this guy constantly around her asking her out, telling her that he loves her and that she is beautiful. He asked her out probably around 5 times and on the fifth time, she told him to go find someone else to date. So he took her advice and is now in a relationship with another girl. However since he does not pay attention to my friend anymore, she misses it and wants him to tell her how beautiful she is, but he does not! When trying to get someone to notice you, always play hard to get because if you give up too easily, you are not worth the chase and they will be board.

That's all for now!

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