Thursday, February 11, 2010

Visual Argument~ February 3, 2010

My favorite visual artwork is one with a road that doesn’t go straight but all different directions then after all the loops, it straightens back out again. I feel that this visual artwork makes the claim that though the path may seem unclear at the beginning; you are always going to get back on track to where you are supposed to be going. This is a claim that can be connected to life in general, relationships, school, or even work no matter the age of the person viewing it.
I enjoy this particular piece of visual art because it reminds me of my own life sometimes. Just when it seems like I am making all the right decisions that I need to get to my ultimate goals, my like decides to throw me a curve ball. For example, just when I thought that I had found the absolute love of my life and decided to make things official, he started doing drugs and hid it from me. My life was going to be great! He was from a well respected family and he showed me that he loved me in ways that I knew that it was true. Then after 2 years of dating, he told me that he had been doing drugs for 6 months and he was hiding it from me. Life threw me a curve ball so I decided to throw one back. I chose to break up with him and start over when I got to college and so far, I’m doing great!
I think that this visual argument is important because it shows that people can go a lot of different ways but then again find their way to the right path they were intended to go down. People from different ages, backgrounds, and cultures can all relate to this picture because everyone has taken a wrong turn at one point in their life and now they are on the right path one more.

Here is my pic

That's all for now!

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