Monday, August 31, 2009

Anything ~ August 31,2009

People change when they go to college. I always thought this was a myth until I experienced it first -hand. My boy friend and I had been together for almost a year when he left for college. He was a year older than I, so when he left I was still in my senior year in High school. Everyone started to tell me that we wouldn't last because he would change and then the next year I would leave and I would also change. I didn't want to believe it. We started out very strong, we wouldn't talk every day, but he would always make sure I heard from him at least once a week. Then he started coming home on the weekends to see me, we were doing just fine. However when college ended at the end of April, he came home and something was different. I didn't see the change in him until after he settled back into our old routine we had established before he left. When he left one night, when we were supposed to be having a date, to go to Marietta to visit some of his college friends, I knew that that was the last straw. Some of the things he had gotten into in college were just not something I could live with for the rest of my life. So about 3 weeks after he came home we broke up. It was a hard thing to learn but now I realize just how much people do change in college.

Thats all for now!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

My Hometown ~August 28,2009

I grew up in a pretty large town in the out skirts of St. Louis Missouri named St. Charles. All of my extended family lived within about fifteen minutes away from our house; this is usually a bad thing, however we all were very close. My cousins were like my sisters and my grandparents were always around to help us if we needed it. Breathing was a lot easier because the air was a lot less humid and thick than what it is in Georgia. Everything was clean in our town from the streets to all the buildings and from what I knew, there was no horrific crime. It was not a small town but everyone went to the same church and therefore everyone knew pretty much everyone else. My family was the most well know in the town because my dad was the preacher at the church everyone went to. We were considered to be the "perfect family". When I was around six years old, we moved to Georgia. We went from being well known to not known at all. This gave our family the chance to become the family we would have been if we didn't have to have such a perfect life. Ever since then my family has been pulled together and gotten closer, as much that I would call my sister's my best friends. However we have become a lot more distant from my extended family, mostly because we only get to see them about once or twice a year.

Thats all for now!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Most Funniest Thing! ~Aug 26,2009

This clip is a lemur that has really big eyes and the theme song for a movie making group played behind his eyes even wider. I don't know why this is so hilarious but for some reason every time I watch it, I can not help but laugh.

That's all

Monday, August 24, 2009

Whatever~ August 24, 2009

I would like to write about how frustrating disorganized colleges are. I hate deadlines so I always do things right when I am told to do them so I don't forget. When I was told that I had to send in my shot records in order to register for classes, I sent them in immediately (that was in April). I remember this because I had to go get one more shot , which was my tetanus shot, and I got it just one day before my big performance. I can clearly remember that because getting your tetanus shot hurts and makes your arm stiff. During the last rehearsal, I could barely move my arm above my shoulder when I was supposed to have them straight up above my head. Then the day after I received this shot and my arm was all bruised and swollen I walked down to the end of my driveway before I left for yet another rehearsal and stuffed the envelope into the mail box.
So today I go on line to my records just to make sure I had no holds and to see if everything is right and I saw that they said I never sent in my shot records.....(the ones I sent back in April) So I called my mom to see if she could possibly get a copy of my records and fax ANOTHER one to them. Luckily, my mom makes copies of all our important documents and keeps them in a file for future references. So now I owe my mom for not getting kicked out of my classes because college is so disorganized.

That's all for now!


Friday, August 21, 2009

Narrative Essay ~ August 21,2009

I chose to write about “Lost Wallet” by Ellie Stricklen because it is about losing something that you always have with you. Having lost that something really makes you appreciate it for when you do have it near you. The writer does a great job in making you feel the loss that he had through the way he describes everything in his essay. I think this article is worth reading because everyone can relate to loosing something of value.
At first the writer makes the connection to the reader by explaining how important a wallet or a purse is to each individual, making that item irreplaceable to whomever it belongs to. He then moves the story forward by explaining his personal experience with loosing this precious material object. The writer thus connects to the reader by being descriptive and holding the reader’s attention throughout the entirety of the article. Finally he closes the essay by telling the reader what he has learned from the experience and how it affects his life from here on out. This being that he should simply think before he acts.In reading this article, I found that in being careless and self- absorbed nothing ever works out for the best in any situation. If a person just showed that he would have really cared about this material object, then he would have made sure that he had it at all times, sometimes even checking randomly. You seem to never appreciate things you have until they are gone it proves.

Thats all for now!


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Personal narrative~ August 19, 2009

For my personal narrative I will be writing on the death of someone close to me. I feel that this topic is the best for me because I will be able to use my own experience of loosing someone very close to me. Therefore, I feel that I will be able to have the best emotional connection between me and my reader. In this narrative I will be establishing the connection that my best friend and I had, making the reader feel how close we were, through describing the experiences and life lessons that we had to learn and go through together. Then I will tell of the event that lead her to her death, meanwhile making the reader feel the tention and suspense that we felt while waiting for the answer. Also I will go through the time in the hospital we spent together, letting the reader feel pain that her death caused me. Finally, I will explain the aftermath of her death and what it meant to me as a person for the rest of my life.I feel that this story is good for this assignment because this was one of the most life altering things that have ever happened to me. Also I know that I can relate to many people and get them to understand all that I had been through and continue to live through even to today. People will be able to relate or emphasize with me because many people loose someone very dear to them every day.

That's all for now!
