Monday, August 24, 2009

Whatever~ August 24, 2009

I would like to write about how frustrating disorganized colleges are. I hate deadlines so I always do things right when I am told to do them so I don't forget. When I was told that I had to send in my shot records in order to register for classes, I sent them in immediately (that was in April). I remember this because I had to go get one more shot , which was my tetanus shot, and I got it just one day before my big performance. I can clearly remember that because getting your tetanus shot hurts and makes your arm stiff. During the last rehearsal, I could barely move my arm above my shoulder when I was supposed to have them straight up above my head. Then the day after I received this shot and my arm was all bruised and swollen I walked down to the end of my driveway before I left for yet another rehearsal and stuffed the envelope into the mail box.
So today I go on line to my records just to make sure I had no holds and to see if everything is right and I saw that they said I never sent in my shot records.....(the ones I sent back in April) So I called my mom to see if she could possibly get a copy of my records and fax ANOTHER one to them. Luckily, my mom makes copies of all our important documents and keeps them in a file for future references. So now I owe my mom for not getting kicked out of my classes because college is so disorganized.

That's all for now!


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