Friday, August 21, 2009

Narrative Essay ~ August 21,2009

I chose to write about “Lost Wallet” by Ellie Stricklen because it is about losing something that you always have with you. Having lost that something really makes you appreciate it for when you do have it near you. The writer does a great job in making you feel the loss that he had through the way he describes everything in his essay. I think this article is worth reading because everyone can relate to loosing something of value.
At first the writer makes the connection to the reader by explaining how important a wallet or a purse is to each individual, making that item irreplaceable to whomever it belongs to. He then moves the story forward by explaining his personal experience with loosing this precious material object. The writer thus connects to the reader by being descriptive and holding the reader’s attention throughout the entirety of the article. Finally he closes the essay by telling the reader what he has learned from the experience and how it affects his life from here on out. This being that he should simply think before he acts.In reading this article, I found that in being careless and self- absorbed nothing ever works out for the best in any situation. If a person just showed that he would have really cared about this material object, then he would have made sure that he had it at all times, sometimes even checking randomly. You seem to never appreciate things you have until they are gone it proves.

Thats all for now!


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