Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Mysterious Robert Johnson~ February 26, 2010

Robert Johnson was a guy who really wanted to play the guitar better than anyone else around. There is a legend that one night he was walking around in the middle of nowhere and when he got to a crossroads in the road, he saw a man standing there. Once the man approached him and said that he was the devil and if he sold his soul to him, that he would be able to fulfill his dreams and play better than anyone else. This seemed like a good deal to him so he took it, sold his soul, and from then on was better than anyone else. Many people haven’t really seen a picture of him because it was said that if someone did take a picture of him that you could see just a skull where his head is supposed to be because he was dead once he gave his soul away. However the picture that the man had of a famous guitar player that he thought was B.B King but was actually Robert Johnson is one of the two photographs that they have of him. One photograph that they have of him is one that is thought to be his very own, it was thought be taken in a photo booth and amount to be just a bit smaller than an average postage stamp. The second photo that is known to the public is one done be the Rolling Stones magazine in which he was just voted to be a part of the Rock and roll Hall of Fame. Though this was a big deal, it is said that the artist was dressed very casually and had a cigarette barely hanging on to his bottom lip. His ending to his short story was tragic though because he died at a very young age. However his music became very well known and liked. He also was known as an idol to present day artists such as John Mayer who contributes his talent and his curiosity to Robert Johnson.

That's all for now!


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