Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My favorite work of Art ~ October 7,2009

My work of art that I think influenced the world the most is The Bodies Exhibit. This work of art contributed the most to America and all across the world too because it has helped develop research on the human body. People from across the world decided to take a stand for human body research and signed their bodies over to researchers when they died. In doing this, the researchers could then dissect the body on their time and develop theories and help solve medical mysteries. Some of these bodies even have diseases like lung cancer or arthritis. With these bodies, we, as the normal population can see the effects of smoking and what the cancer really looks like in our bodies. Also in the exhibit you can see each stage of pregnancy. This is my favorite part of the entire exhibit! For those who believe that the fetus is not a human until it takes its first breath, this part of the exhibit can be a real eye opener. At each week during the pregnancy, the display has a new visual of real fetuses. Also they arrange the bodies in such a way that you can see how the muscles look and the way they work in certain of stages of movement. They can even cut the muscles in half or take a chunk out of it so you can really see the effects of each movement on each part of the muscle. If any other piece of art, this is the most effective work of art because people can actually take something away from seeing this. Medical researchers can discover new ways to heal the body and you can discover more about your body than any other piece of still art.

That's all for now!


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