Saturday, October 24, 2009

Whatever ~ October 23, 2009

Seeing my daddy right next to me, red rings around his eyes from being so exhausted with worry, somehow made me feel a little better. My dad is my best friend. I need him to get through not only the big things but also smaller things. After all the blood I needed was successfully transfused, I knew that the wait had just started. All I could think about was getting out of this sickly place and having the opportunity to keep living my life one day at a time. My doctor continually came in to check on me, pulling on the I.V., seeing if I was comfortable, and making sure I was still psychologically ok. I hate getting sick and every time I am, it makes me up set and discouraged that I could not fight this battle I have been fighting for the past 5 years. My doctor knows this is discouraging so that is why he checks on me. I don’t get very hungry usually after a blood transfusion so this time when I had an appetite my nurse jumped all over it. She brought me all sorts of hospital food. Big blobs of jello cubes floated around an oversized pale blue bowl, next to it were something that resembled potatoes I think. These “potatoes” were so watered down that I swore I could look into the potato lake and see my reflection! Seeing my disgust with this hospital food and wanting to encourage my appetite, my dad went to get me my favorite thing, a baked potato from Wendy’s. Even though I ate only half of the potato, I was praised for trying to eat and to try and continue.

That's all for now!


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