Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Myths and Legends about Musicians ~October 26, 2009

The link to watch the YouTube presentation on Sidney Bechet did not work. However insanity is often liked to success in the music realm. Linking all the way back to Beethoven, it is seen that the “insane” people often come up with the best music for that time as an entertainment fad. So what makes this statement true? And why do the psychologically unfit people always seem to come out as more creative? For me there are two simple answers to this. One that they don’t care what people will think about what they write or make up. And two, because since they are insane, they can focus on one thing and work on it until they have perfected it. Usually, society already rejects the mentally corrupt because they are not like others in society so they stick out. Using this pre-determined judgment that others will discriminate against them anyway, they use this to their advantage and do whatever they want to do. Also, the “mad men” of society tend to focus on one thing until they perfect it because they have no other motivation to work outside of their talents. Seen through the recent day research of autism and other mental disorders, there is often one subject that these people are drawn to. With that curiosity, their mind takes off and creates their own meaning and sound according to what they are hearing. If society calls the most creative “insane” because of their perfection of their art, I think that insanity needs to be applauded. In working through the mental imperfections and still coming out to be considered a genius, I feel that that is more of an accomplishment then being sane and doing the same work.

That's all for now!


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