Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Stax Records ~October 22, 2009

Stax Records. This recording company is very important to music as a whole. According to my research, the owners of Stax records were both white and started out recording country music. However when they moved to a bigger studio, they then refined their sound and started recording rhythm and blues. This was a big deal because most of the musicians who played these genres of music were black. This stepping stone opened up cross cultural deals and work. Also the recording of blues and jazz was a big deal because not many jazz musicians had recorded at this point in time because no one thought that Jazz could sell. Stax Records was taking a giant leap of faith financing the recording of Jazz music. The owners stood firm in their decision because jazz was a brand new genre and it was important to the American people because this was the first genre America had come up with. Instead of listening to someone else’s work and reworking it, America, for the first time, finally had something to call their own.
I have heard of the musicians that Stax Records produced. My family is very musically oriented and I was taught to listen to every genre and appreciate what they contributed to the rest of the music we know today. As a result of the musical presents in my life, I was introduced to Booker T and the M.G’s and also Otis Redding. My favorite song of Booker T is Green Onions, also the most well known song they did.

That's all for now!


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