Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Telling About the US Today ~September 30, 2009
That's all for now!
Whatever~ September 28, 2009
I have been doing my own experiment for the past month. Mixing a tablespoon of cinnamon powder and a tablespoon of honey in my mint tea every night before I go to bed, I have continued to search for anything that points to any disappointment in this method. However, after extensive (one month) research, I have come to a conclusion that it did not work for my colon ulcers. At first it seemed to have a slight effect, in that I didn’t have quite as much pain that I had been having previously. As a week turned into a month later, I have just now had my first flair up , thus proving that this claim to cure is just another empty ended myth. When it comes time for the flu and the cold though, I will be the first one to shove more cinnamon powder and honey down my throat if that means holding the flu or a cold at bay.
That's all for now!
Monday, September 28, 2009
News Sources ~September 25,2009
I think that CNN would be considered better than other news sources, than let’s say AJC or Weekly World News, because not only does it constantly update its viewers on important issues, but it also appeals to many generations of people. Through its vivid news reports across the ocean to the continuous news about what is happening in the life of our president and country, these sort of reports appeal to the older generation who care about more than themselves at this stage in life. Then it also connects to the younger generation when it reports on entertainment and some form of conflicting politics. Finally CNN tends to reports both sides of most major stories.
That's all for now!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Torrential down pour ~September 23,2009
When I stepped out of the door and on to the street to start walking there, it felt like a water fall was hitting my umbrella! So I swiftly made my way across the streets. The puddles looked like they were only a couple inches, however when I started to make my way across them, I soon found out that they were up to my knees.After I got back my boss took one look at me and flat out laughed. He told me I looked like I had drowned. I had water dripping from everwhere except my head. I quickly changed into some cheerleading shorts I luckily had from rock climbing earlier and went right back to work.
"Trying to swim back to my apartment was gonna be fun"
Thats all for now
Articles ~ September 21
Thesis: New way to offset emissions.
How : They gave the money it would take to get to a meeting to a power project in Andhra Pradesh, India. These plans use agricultural leftovers, like rice husks and sunflower stalks, to generate electricity for the local grid.
Evidence: using this money would cut down on the use of carbon dioxide emissions instead of driving or flying to the meeting.
Also because India's economy runs off of fossil fuels, coal, it would be beneficial that they start the use of agriculture left overs.
Interest: This article interested me because I cannot wait until we find the answer to stop polluting our earth.
The second article I chose was based off of crazy people and the deeds they do.
Thesis: Allan Jefferey Levine started the fires at either end of the apartment complex. How:He put trash in the stairs of either side of the apartmen complex, then lit the trash piles on fire in order to burn the whole complex down. Evidence:All neighbors gave testimonies
Atlanta Police interviews
Interest: This article interested mem not only because it shows people how crazy people are now a days but because my family fosters children and this is the story of why they are staying with us!
Thats all for now
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Review~ September 16,2009
However I do like the way she told the scores for both the matches her team played in that day. This information makes the reader have team spirit for her and her team mates. Also I liked how the girls, fans, and coaches cheered each player on as they battled against the college Young Harris. When she described the weather, I thought she did a great job at throwing in the softness of the wind and that it was just right except for the humidity. Over all I think she did a good job!
Thats all for now!
Momma Panda~ September 18,2009
That's all for now!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Whatever ~September 14,2009
While the details are still being unfolded, Whitewater High school is now looking for new choral and band directors. My father has been the unofficial assistant choral director for the past 6 years, so he is applying for the job. I know that my dad is the hardest working man alive and he has proved that time and time again to not only the chorus department but also the principal of my high school ,so I am pretty sure he has the job in the bag. However if the board needs more proof that he is perfect for the job, several old students are writting letters to tell how he has improved their voices and also their lifes. You see my dad is the kind of person who helps people not only professionally but also in everyday situations. No matter what the problem, he always has a solution for you, and he is ALWAYS right no matter how many times I did not want to admit it.
If you want to read more about the teacher situation go here:
Thats all for now!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Regionalism ~ September 11,2009
That's all for now!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The President's Address ~ September 9,2009
Thats All for now!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The Colorful Beach ~September 4,2009
Thats all for now!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
My Favorite Song ~September 2,2009
Also the music behind the lyrics makes you really relax and creates a chill environment. They use a simple guitar rhythm, a simple drum pattern, and a few notes from the piano as instrumentation for this song. Using such simplicity for the background music lets the listener hear more of what the artists are saying rather than being distracted by something that is made to be in the background.
Thats all for now!