Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Whatever~ September 28, 2009

I read an article about a month ago that suggested that a mixture of honey and cinnamon powder can cure the flu, arthritis, the common cold, heart problems, and stomach ulcers. Each ailment has its own remedy but they all have been proven to improve the symptoms of all these sicknesses. I was interested in this myth because I have stomach and colon ulcers, so in digesting these interesting home remedy, I could be cured. After going on (a very reputable source of information), it told me that they have not performed enough research to create a concrete answer. After finding this out I decided to do my own research.
I have been doing my own experiment for the past month. Mixing a tablespoon of cinnamon powder and a tablespoon of honey in my mint tea every night before I go to bed, I have continued to search for anything that points to any disappointment in this method. However, after extensive (one month) research, I have come to a conclusion that it did not work for my colon ulcers. At first it seemed to have a slight effect, in that I didn’t have quite as much pain that I had been having previously. As a week turned into a month later, I have just now had my first flair up , thus proving that this claim to cure is just another empty ended myth. When it comes time for the flu and the cold though, I will be the first one to shove more cinnamon powder and honey down my throat if that means holding the flu or a cold at bay.

That's all for now!

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