Sunday, September 13, 2009

Regionalism ~ September 11,2009

Those two articles affected my perception on the Magnolia state by showing me how racist people there, and every where could be. In the first article, the people of Mississippi showed that not all people are ignorant to the ways of society now- a- days. Welcoming all sorts of people into the restaurant with open arms really showed that some people want to move on and make everyone comfortable with the skin they are in. I think that it was a great booster for those who are wanting to move on a light at the end of a tunnel. However in the second article, racism really showed through, proving that it was still alive and thriving. People should not take the law into their own hands no matter if you think they deserve it or not. That is for the people that each city ordains to take care of those thing's job, not the people who got wrong done to them. If you take the law into your own hands, your mind is blurred from the truth and what you thought happened might not have actually happened.I really didn't know much about Mississippi before I read these two articles. I have never been there and honestly I don't really feel the need to go there. I see that racism still has a place in their hearts, not that it doesn't any where else, but I strongly dislike the thought of people having such bad attitudes towards people just because of the way they were born.

That's all for now!

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