Monday, November 2, 2009

A Modern Poem~ November 2, 2009

I chose the modern poem After Apple- Picking by Robert Frost. This poem has stuck with me because not only does the poet describe this event so that the reader feels like they are right there as it is happening but it also reminds me of familiar memories my family and I have made throughout the years. Robert Frost starts out this poem by describing how apple picking is coming to an end. The way he states certain things makes the reader really think about what each smell, or look actually looks and smells like. When he says “The scent of apples; I am drowsing off”, he makes the reader really smell the scent of apples even though we are probably no where near apples. This poem also makes me remember all the times my family goes up to the mountains every fall to collect the biggest, reddest, apples we can find. Ever since my oldest sister left for college, my mom decided that we needed to have a time in the year that we can always get together and have family time. She decided to pick apples. This was her decision because then she always begs us girls to come back to the house with her so we can make apple pie, then that can turn into a movie night and before we know it a day trip can turn into a full weekend trip. So because she can somehow squeeze all the family time she can into this event, she chose apple-picking for our annual family event.

Thats all for now!


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