Sunday, November 15, 2009

Rupert Merdoch ~ November 11,2009

Apparently this author does not like Rupert Murdoch! According to him, Murdoch just wants power and control over everything, and he will lie, cheat, and steal in order to get there. Nearly owning half of the television shows Americans watch every day, Rupert puts his ideas and top “priority” agendas into the front of the American minds hoping for a movement for action. He has been accused of hiding his money in Tax pockets so that no one can reach into his pockets and take out money, this shows the people of America that he thinks that he is above all the others because he doesn’t need to pay and finds loop holes so that he does not pay. He tends to use the people who can give him something in return or someone who is well known, either liked or un-liked by the American people. This can either make people like him or despise him. I think that for this reason, and others surrounding his opinions and actions, he is so debated on and in so much controversy constantly. With only threats and no action on his part, no one in the big world can or will take him seriously. Empty promises have been made also in relation to his infamous news papers too. So through these accusations and confirmed foul plays of Rupert Murdoch, people can not trust his words to be true therefore there is an ever growing decrease of American’s support or approval in what he continues to do.

That's All for Now!


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