Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bail Bonding ~ March 31,2010

I think that Bail Bonding is necessary. Having large amounts of money on the line if you don’t show up for a court date sometimes is the only incentive to getting people to return. When a judge sets bail, he or she takes into consideration how much an individual makes and what they can use as bail. People use their house titles and car titles even to make that kind of insurment to return. What other actions can our country take to ensure that these criminals come to their court date? A man who steals a blanket from a store because he is cold is just as much a criminal as someone who has committed murder. Each citizen knew that what they were doing was wrong and they still chose to do it; thus they are in the wrong. One is much more preventable than the other however. With him being cold, there are several homeless shelters that give out blankets to those who do not have any. The man could have simply gone to the shelter and requested a blanket. The other option that this man had instead of stealing, which is clearly wrong according to the law, is to start his car. During the interview, he says that he relies on his car on a daily basis so there must be gas in it so he can get places; therefore he should have just started the car, gotten warmed up while he was on his way to the homeless shelter to get a blanket.

Thats all for now!

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