Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Proud Confederates ~ March 19,2010

I chose to write on a piece in Vanity Fairs magazine. The title of this article is “Yes, Southerners are Still Proud of the Confederacy” and it is by Vanity Fair. This particular article was written and published on the internet on April 7, 2010. In this article, the author was pointing out that people in the south are still looking for ways to celebrate the south and what it did not accomplish. It still never ceases to amaze me what people do to relive the olden days. Whether it be through their children or through the actions that they themselves make on a daily basis seem to only be in the interest of themselves. In one instance, a Virginia governor wants to remember what the confederates did by making a month to take time and learn about it. He proposed that they preserve the month of April to be the official Confederate History month in the state of Virginia. This month would make time to remember all of the good things the confederacy did in the past. When asked about slavery, the governor responded that slavery was not a significant issue for the people of Virginia back then. Also when a NY Times correspondent wrote in an article about a women’s basketball game that it might not be a women’s sport after the way the women played in the first half really blew the readers away. When the University of Connecticut’ women’s basketball team won the NCAA tournament, this sent this particular reporter into a tizzy saying that the opponents were not playing their best. After reporting that he thought that it was so badly played, he wrote that because of their bad mistakes in the game, it might have set back the ability for women to also play in a national basketball team for a few decades.

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