Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Outside for 15 ~ April 12, 2010

In my time out side, I got to really sit and think about where my life was headed and how I am able to get there. I sat at Centennial Olympic Park and watched little children run in and out of the fountains in little ruffles of bathing suits. Shrieking and running away from the unexpected spouts of water, the children always find refuge in their parents. The children are never too far from their parent’s watchful eye because if the terrible event in which their little one should fall, their protective guardian will be just seconds away to come and scoop them up into loving arms. Also near- by is the big grassy area in which fake bleach blonde girls sit and fry their skin till they are as dark as a burnt marshmallow over a blazing fire. These kinds of girls will never be satisfied with the way that they look until they give the false image that they are actually sporty girls who happen to get tan from all of the out door activities that they participate in. They think that if they look as though they do sports that it will attract the right type of boy. Of course, I can not forget to mention the super gorgeous boys running around with out shirts and in long board shorts. Throwing the football around as though it takes no effort, they only drop the ball twice. As the sun sets the constant buzz of people goes to a minimum and the beauty of the stars seem to outshine any human or even a beauty queen. The lights in the park switch on and then all of the sudden the busy park that was filled with families seem to trade places with sweet romantic couples.

That's all for now


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