Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Best book ever~ March 24, 2010

The best book that I have read would have to be “A Prayer for Owen Meany” by the incredible John Irving. This book was the best book that I have read yet because not only does it keep the audience interested by suspense, but it also keeps the readers guessing what could possibly happen next. Also this book was interesting to me because it held a lot of religious symbols hidden in the story that if you picked up on them, then it would make the book that much more interesting. An example of this interesting hidden symbolism is when the main character, Owen Meany, and his best friend, John Wheelwright, are on the quest to find out who John’s true father is. It was rumored that John’s mother was a virgin when she had him so that was one symbolism referencing Jesus having a virgin for a mother. Another symbolic thing that happened in the complex story is that when the boys were very young, Owen predicted his death, when and how he was going to die. This was also referenced back to Jesus because on his last supper with his disciples, he told them that he was going to die. Owen also was compared to Jesus because he died saving other people. Owen died saving a bunch of men from exploding and dying from a bomb planted in a restroom. Jesus was said to have saved many people because he died and saved them from an eternity in hell by dying for their sins. Owen also saved John several times. One time that really stuck out in the story is when Owen wanted to save John from the war drafts. In order to do that something has to be physically wrong with you so Owen, being the best friend, cut off a third of Johns trigger finger on his right hand because he was right handed. This did save John from having to get drafted but he said that he will forever question if that is the reason why he is still alone and not married today.

Thats all for now~

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