Monday, November 30, 2009

More impressions about Punk:Attitude ~ November 16,2009

The second day of watching Punk: Attitude was better than the first. Even though the music did not get any better, in fact it got worse, the attitudes and explanations of what went on got better and more clear. I believe that the foundations behind punk music and the life style are a great way to show emotion and showing what you believe in however you have to decide what is actual music and what is just noise. The basic foundation of punk rock music was a generation of people wanting to stand up and say what was on their mind whether or not other people wanted to hear it. With that mind set, the generation set to work on making noise, not music, and creating “fashion” so that they could stand out in a crowd. And boy did they stand out in a crowd! Safety pins extending from their mouths, spikes shooting out of their shoulders, and spiky hair definitely set them apart from what others wore around them. Being so different from every one else is just what they wanted. Making a statement so that others could stand up for what they believed in too was their goals, with these kind of motives, they could only know that they would get all sorts of criticism for what they were doing. However I don’t think that they cared very much.

That's All for now!


Anything ~ November 18, 2009

Turning towards my date, I was so embarrassed to ask to be taken home, however I knew that it had to be done. With pain like this, I could not really enjoy the date either. When I looked over and squeezed his hand, he instantly looked back. When he did he could see that I was in a lot of pain so I did not even have to say anything to him. He jumped up and got out coats and we were out of there. As soon as we got out of ear shot of other people, he asked what was hurting me. But before I could answer, another shot of pain flew up my colon and into my stomach. I could barely stand up. As soon as he saw this, he swept me up in his arms and took off running to his car. I never knew that he could run so fast especially with me in his arms! When he finally stopped we were at his car and he was fumbling around to get his keys without having to put me down. He got the car door open, gently shoved me in, ran around to the other side and sped off towards my house. We got there in record time; usually it takes about 10 minutes to get from the theater to my house but it only took him about 3. On the way home he called my parents and so when we pulled into the driveway my parents were there waiting for me. I told him that I was sorry that this had to happen on our first date but he told me not to worry about a thing. I went inside and took a lot of pain pills and fell asleep. The next day I woke up to a vase full of the prettiest yellow daisies I had ever seen with a card from the guy asking me out on another date!

That's all for now!


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Punck: Attitude ~ November 13, 2009

My impressions of Punk: Attitude is that that was a very opinionated group of people. Also, they were not very clear of all the facts surrounding where things originated from and they all thought they did. For example, in the first five minutes of the documentary, one of the people they interviewed informed the viewer that the Rolling Stones started the use of the word “punk”. However about twenty minutes later, another interview informed the reader that Caroline Coon came up with the word punk and made it famous. These two interviews contradict each other and therefore confuse the viewers as to who really came up with the expression punk. Also, another contradiction was when one person claimed that the hippies were the first punk rockers because of their use of LSD, their determination to end the war, and the Woodstock concert, then ten minutes later, a person claimed that the hippies had nothing to do with the start of punk and that they despised the hippies. I think that the director needed to review the interviews and cut out all the contradiction so that this could be a correct and informational documentary.
On the note of language, I do not see the point of using the f word as much as the people in this documentary seem to see the necessity of it. If the f word added meaning to what the person who was being interviewed was saying, I think it would have been more appropriate. However they just threw around the word just in spite because society told them that they couldn’t so just to piss them off they decided to do the exact opposite of what was asked of them.

That's all for now!


Rupert Merdoch ~ November 11,2009

Apparently this author does not like Rupert Murdoch! According to him, Murdoch just wants power and control over everything, and he will lie, cheat, and steal in order to get there. Nearly owning half of the television shows Americans watch every day, Rupert puts his ideas and top “priority” agendas into the front of the American minds hoping for a movement for action. He has been accused of hiding his money in Tax pockets so that no one can reach into his pockets and take out money, this shows the people of America that he thinks that he is above all the others because he doesn’t need to pay and finds loop holes so that he does not pay. He tends to use the people who can give him something in return or someone who is well known, either liked or un-liked by the American people. This can either make people like him or despise him. I think that for this reason, and others surrounding his opinions and actions, he is so debated on and in so much controversy constantly. With only threats and no action on his part, no one in the big world can or will take him seriously. Empty promises have been made also in relation to his infamous news papers too. So through these accusations and confirmed foul plays of Rupert Murdoch, people can not trust his words to be true therefore there is an ever growing decrease of American’s support or approval in what he continues to do.

That's All for Now!


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Positive or Negative ~ November 9, 2009

I think that this review of the movie “The Box” by Richard Kelly is a mixed review. At first the critic seems hesitant to trust that Kelly had actually made a successful film. Giving him a shadow of a doubt, the critic describes the plot and the controversial ethical dilemma Kelly created for his characters. This part of the review, in my opinion, paints the review as a successful, thought-provoking film, quite able to succeed in the box office. However as soon as the reviewing of the plot of the movie is finished, the critic then goes back to bashing the director. He suggests that this movie is like cramming “Lost”, the TV show, all into a two hour film. Thinking that if he had a thirteen week series of this movie, the critic suggests that the director, Kelly, would be more successful.
The ethical dilemma the main characters were faced with in the movie “The Box” was that they would receive one million dollars if they would push a button and kill a perfect stranger. With the growing fear of no money, the Lewis’ decide that there is no other choice but to push the enticing button. If I were given the same ethical dilemma as the characters in this movie, I could not tell you that I would have chosen the same path as the Lewis’ did. Knowing that I would be paid essentially for killing someone, even though it’s a stranger, would be so much of a burden that I don’t think I could bare. I do not believe that anyone else should have the choice to kill someone, because that person could have done more good for the world in the future as you will ever do in your life. There is no knowing of what people will achieve in the future, so why shut them off now?

That's all for now!


Anything ~November 6, 2009

A phone call. That is how it all started. A few words were spoken and then the butterflies started to creep into my stomach and move into my mouth. After agreeing to a date later on that day, the hours of preparation, I realized, had just started. After doing my hair, make-up, and trying on every outfit I had in my closet, I was finally ready. Trying to calm my nerves, I paced around down stairs and anxiously watched the clock. The doorbell gave my stomach another lurch and caught me completely off guard. I tried to walk slowly so the boy couldn’t tell that I was just sitting here waiting for the door bell to ring. As I opened the door, the smell and feel of the summer night hit me and I could feel the butterflies start back up. He escorted me to the passenger side of his car and opened the door for me. Around to the other side he went and then we were on our way. Our first part of the date was having dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, Bugaboo. We sat and enjoyed the casual talk that followed the waitresses’ questions. As soon as dinner ended, we were off again to see a movie. Five minutes into the movie, I could feel my colon starting to sere with pain. I tried to act as if nothing was wrong and popped my pills as if they were mints. However after 2 minutes of sitting there in pain, I knew that this was going to have to be the end of the date.

That's all for now!


Anything ~November 4,2009

Feeling the car starting to come to a stop I awoke suddenly. Opening my eyes that quickly however sent my head into a sudden violent head ach because of all the medication I had pumping through my veins. My best friend from high school happens to go to GA State University and only lives a building away from me, so when I told her I would be coming back to my apartment after I got discharged, she made me promise to call her the second I got back to the building. When the car stopped, Jenn was there. Patiently waiting until I fully got out of the car, she helped in any way she could. As soon as my slippered feet hit the ground, she grabbed me up into the biggest hug she could give. Knowing that I was in good hands, my parents were reassured by Jenn that they could leave. I never knew that going up seven floors could ever take so long. We started our trek to my room but I found out that I was in pain with every slow step I took. Finally surrendering to the fact that I was in pain, Jenn found the closest guy around and asked if he could possibly carry my bags to my room while she helped me walk. The guy quickly agreed and we started once more our journey to my room. As soon as the key turned in the lock, all three of my roommates were at the door wanting to help in any way they could. I could not talk above a whisper so I left the orders up to Jenn. According to Jenn’s orders, my roommates should just come and check up on me every couple hours. She then dug through my purse and handed Alyx my bag of pill bottles and went on instructing her on when and how she should give me my meds.

That's all for now!


Monday, November 2, 2009

A Modern Poem~ November 2, 2009

I chose the modern poem After Apple- Picking by Robert Frost. This poem has stuck with me because not only does the poet describe this event so that the reader feels like they are right there as it is happening but it also reminds me of familiar memories my family and I have made throughout the years. Robert Frost starts out this poem by describing how apple picking is coming to an end. The way he states certain things makes the reader really think about what each smell, or look actually looks and smells like. When he says “The scent of apples; I am drowsing off”, he makes the reader really smell the scent of apples even though we are probably no where near apples. This poem also makes me remember all the times my family goes up to the mountains every fall to collect the biggest, reddest, apples we can find. Ever since my oldest sister left for college, my mom decided that we needed to have a time in the year that we can always get together and have family time. She decided to pick apples. This was her decision because then she always begs us girls to come back to the house with her so we can make apple pie, then that can turn into a movie night and before we know it a day trip can turn into a full weekend trip. So because she can somehow squeeze all the family time she can into this event, she chose apple-picking for our annual family event.

Thats all for now!


Halloween~ October 30, 2009

Halloween! When asked what Halloween exactly is, most Americans start off by telling of the consumer-ized point of view. The candy, pumpkin carving, dressing up, and of course the evil of it all come spilling out of greedy American’s mind. However Halloween is celebrated because about 2,000 years ago, the Celtics from Ireland celebrated the new years on November the first. So they believed that on October 31, or Samhain, ghosts of the dead could return to earth and ruin the crops. In order to keep their crops safe, they created huge bon-fires and sacrifices animals, meanwhile wearing costumes. Halloween came to America because when the Europeans came to America, they brought their customs too. In America, Halloween just started out as what they called “play parties”. At these parties people told each other’s fortunes, sang, danced, and told stories. Eventually it evolved to the Halloween that we have today.
I did not do anything for Halloween this year. I had a family crisis and was trying to deal with that. However if I was not dealing with that I would have gone to a charity party with my room-mate. My costume was going to be Bendi Erwin (Steve Erwin’s – the crocodile hunter- daughter). I had a beige dress and crocodile skin high heels that I would have worn along with a safari hat. The charity event was to collect blankets for the homeless so the cover charge to get into the party was either a blanket or 5 dollars so that the host could go buy a blanket with that money.

That's all for now!


Whatever ~ October 28,2009

After a very long and tiring twenty one hours in hospital I was finally discharged. As policy by the hospital, I was wheeled out to my parent’s car where they were waiting in anticipation just to get me home. As soon as the doors started to open to the outside, the cold wind found every way to touch every inch of skin it could, even if it meant crawling under all my clothing. I felt like a little girl as I was lifted by my daddy with his super power strength into the car. Fastening the seat belt securely around me, my dad asked in a worried voice if I was sure I wanted to go back to school right then. Because I had an endoscopy, I was limited to a little whisper due to the doctor’s accidently nicking my throat while pulling out the tube they inserted. Leaning close, he heard through my soft whispers that I was set on going back to school that night. Knowing that I was just as stubborn as he is, he settled into the driver’s seat for the hour’s drive ahead of us. I tried to fight the tiredness as it became apparent through the lulling sounds of the car as it made its way towards Atlanta. However 10 minutes into the drive, I surrendered to its forceful persuasiveness and was asleep the rest of the way. Though I was soundly asleep, I could still hear the low murmurs of my parents and their concerns over whether or not I should be allowed to return to school or if they were going to fight me on this one.

That's all for now!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Myths and Legends about Musicians ~October 26, 2009

The link to watch the YouTube presentation on Sidney Bechet did not work. However insanity is often liked to success in the music realm. Linking all the way back to Beethoven, it is seen that the “insane” people often come up with the best music for that time as an entertainment fad. So what makes this statement true? And why do the psychologically unfit people always seem to come out as more creative? For me there are two simple answers to this. One that they don’t care what people will think about what they write or make up. And two, because since they are insane, they can focus on one thing and work on it until they have perfected it. Usually, society already rejects the mentally corrupt because they are not like others in society so they stick out. Using this pre-determined judgment that others will discriminate against them anyway, they use this to their advantage and do whatever they want to do. Also, the “mad men” of society tend to focus on one thing until they perfect it because they have no other motivation to work outside of their talents. Seen through the recent day research of autism and other mental disorders, there is often one subject that these people are drawn to. With that curiosity, their mind takes off and creates their own meaning and sound according to what they are hearing. If society calls the most creative “insane” because of their perfection of their art, I think that insanity needs to be applauded. In working through the mental imperfections and still coming out to be considered a genius, I feel that that is more of an accomplishment then being sane and doing the same work.

That's all for now!


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Whatever ~ October 23, 2009

Seeing my daddy right next to me, red rings around his eyes from being so exhausted with worry, somehow made me feel a little better. My dad is my best friend. I need him to get through not only the big things but also smaller things. After all the blood I needed was successfully transfused, I knew that the wait had just started. All I could think about was getting out of this sickly place and having the opportunity to keep living my life one day at a time. My doctor continually came in to check on me, pulling on the I.V., seeing if I was comfortable, and making sure I was still psychologically ok. I hate getting sick and every time I am, it makes me up set and discouraged that I could not fight this battle I have been fighting for the past 5 years. My doctor knows this is discouraging so that is why he checks on me. I don’t get very hungry usually after a blood transfusion so this time when I had an appetite my nurse jumped all over it. She brought me all sorts of hospital food. Big blobs of jello cubes floated around an oversized pale blue bowl, next to it were something that resembled potatoes I think. These “potatoes” were so watered down that I swore I could look into the potato lake and see my reflection! Seeing my disgust with this hospital food and wanting to encourage my appetite, my dad went to get me my favorite thing, a baked potato from Wendy’s. Even though I ate only half of the potato, I was praised for trying to eat and to try and continue.

That's all for now!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Stax Records ~October 22, 2009

Stax Records. This recording company is very important to music as a whole. According to my research, the owners of Stax records were both white and started out recording country music. However when they moved to a bigger studio, they then refined their sound and started recording rhythm and blues. This was a big deal because most of the musicians who played these genres of music were black. This stepping stone opened up cross cultural deals and work. Also the recording of blues and jazz was a big deal because not many jazz musicians had recorded at this point in time because no one thought that Jazz could sell. Stax Records was taking a giant leap of faith financing the recording of Jazz music. The owners stood firm in their decision because jazz was a brand new genre and it was important to the American people because this was the first genre America had come up with. Instead of listening to someone else’s work and reworking it, America, for the first time, finally had something to call their own.
I have heard of the musicians that Stax Records produced. My family is very musically oriented and I was taught to listen to every genre and appreciate what they contributed to the rest of the music we know today. As a result of the musical presents in my life, I was introduced to Booker T and the M.G’s and also Otis Redding. My favorite song of Booker T is Green Onions, also the most well known song they did.

That's all for now!


Anything ~ October 19, 2009

Stepping in through the sliding glass doors, the smell of rubbing alcohol and sickness worked its way into my nose. Making a trip to the emergency room at 1 o clock in the morning is not my favorite thing to do, but sometimes is unavoidable when living with Ulcerative Colitis. My mother, though exhausted, is wide awake with worry written all over in her sleep deprived eyes. As we sign in and hand the impatient nurse my medical cards, she quickly jumps to work when she realizes I have lost an incredible amount of blood. Thinking I was just an over reactant child, she explained to us that she didn’t realize that I was really in need of a doctor. She placed us in a room in the middle of the hall way and informs us that she is going to stay with us until the doctor can make it to the room. Shortly my doctor comes rushing in. I could tell that we woke him up with the phone call on the way to the hospital by the rumpled clothes that seemed to have been hastily thrown on his body. As I explain to him what has been going on for the last couple of days, he quickly calls a nurse in and tells her to book a endoscopy for me within the next couple hours. Since I can’t remember the last thing I ate, they want to make sure I can be put under safely, and that means more waiting. I become very week and can barely lift my arms and my doctor asks if I have been losing a lot of blood. As soon as I answered, I was whisked off to the surgery room for my upper and lower GI. I feel a slight prick and then inhale the gases that were being pulled through my mask. Waking up after what seems like only two minutes, I try to see past my blurry vision and see what was hooked up to my arm. As my vision get clearer, I see my dad’ s head right next to my arm that had 2 iv’s in it, one giving me fluids the other transfusing blood into me.

That's all for now!


Challenging the main stream media~ October 16,2009

Jon Stewart is one of the funniest people I have seen on TV. Usually I am not entertained by anything that these government satirists or anything that they have to say about our country that always seems to be falling apart. However, Jon Stewart, and those who work for him, always seem to find the most outrageous piece of news for the nation at that point in time and come up with the most snide remarks about it. I can only hope that some of these reporters, or their bosses, watch Jon Stewart at night and see how ridiculous some of these stories they choose to report on really are. Although some of the issues are news worthy stories, it really makes America look like idiots.
I watched the Jon Stewart episode entitled Rape Nuts. This episode deals with Frankin’s appeal to the government to get the consensual rape clause taken off of the companies contracts the government uses to get things done. I think that there shouldn’t have even been a rape clause. Rape is illegal period. I think it is ridiculous that it is even an issue and therefore I don’t think that Franklin has to even fight this battle, much less be losing the fight. The rebuttal argument is that the government doesn’t want to get involved in personal companies’ contracts. In a way I see where they are coming from, but at the same time the government has the option to choose to use that particular company. In choosing to use that company they agree with the company’s rules and I don’t think that its anything to support.

That's all for now!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Quality music~ October 14, 2009

What makes a bunch of instruments combined into a sound music? According to this article, whatever has a mathematical combination of rhythms and beats. I can see both sides of the argument. In the first argument, I agree that it would help the pop chart lists out if each artist went by this computer program. Also, it would possibly help brand new artists to get into the music industry much more easily because if they could start out by producing a hit on the charts, they would make a name for themselves right off the bat.
However, as a musician myself, I do not like this new computer program. First off, if all of our music was made by this one formula for “successful music”, then we as the listeners would become tired of the same beats and rhythms time and time again. This also would not encourage musicians to go out on their own branch and create possibly a new genre of music because it would not be pleasing the computer system. Without musical pioneers, we would not have the genre rock, pop, or any other genre except classical music. Another reason why this program would not be a good investment in the musical system is because when a new artist does make his or her first hit, it isn’t such a big deal. It is not a big deal because any one can do it. With so many people having this program, everyone would be producing hit records and then the music industry would become so big that it would not be as much as a honor as when someone today makes it into the industry.

That's all for now!

~ Ali

Art 21: Power ~ Octobe12, 2009

Art. At the end of the segment on art in the 21st century, the way they defined what art is really stuck out to me. It started out with the audience seeing an older man fall asleep. Then a younger man comes up and asks the older one how he would like it if he could take what he was feeling right at that moment before he was about to dose off, and hold on to it for forever. In a way that was the best way that anyone could ever describe art. The artist’s goal is to make the audience feel the way that they are feeling at that point in time when they first feel the emotion they want to portray through their work of art.
I chose to watch and write about the Art 21 segment on Power. I chose this particular section because I wanted to see how certain artist portrayed the emotion/ feeling of power. I found out that each artist relays the feeling of power in many different unique ways. The first artist, Cai-Quo-Qiang, described the way he often thought about the feeling of power. Through the use of gun powder, he delicately made works of art by blowing the right amount of gun powder and the use of color. He said that this use of gun powder made him feel like he was conveying the feeling of power because of the power the gun powder gave him. The second artist, Laylah Ali, often thought that creating characters without hands shows power through what they still can do without them. Also in using a belt in some of her work also displays power. She described it as in having a belt; it equals power because of domestic violence. Also when you go to prison, the belt is one of the first things they take away from you because it gives you power. Finally another artist used the very simple body movements and simple words to display power. The artist Krzysztof Wodiczko used the art form of projection to project very simple hand gestures of the person who is telling a very touching story in order for the message to be powerful to the audience. Whether an artist uses different elements to make their art, the absents of human features, or the examination of subtle gestures, each artist has his own way to relay messages through their work of art.

Thats all for now!


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My favorite work of Art ~ October 7,2009

My work of art that I think influenced the world the most is The Bodies Exhibit. This work of art contributed the most to America and all across the world too because it has helped develop research on the human body. People from across the world decided to take a stand for human body research and signed their bodies over to researchers when they died. In doing this, the researchers could then dissect the body on their time and develop theories and help solve medical mysteries. Some of these bodies even have diseases like lung cancer or arthritis. With these bodies, we, as the normal population can see the effects of smoking and what the cancer really looks like in our bodies. Also in the exhibit you can see each stage of pregnancy. This is my favorite part of the entire exhibit! For those who believe that the fetus is not a human until it takes its first breath, this part of the exhibit can be a real eye opener. At each week during the pregnancy, the display has a new visual of real fetuses. Also they arrange the bodies in such a way that you can see how the muscles look and the way they work in certain of stages of movement. They can even cut the muscles in half or take a chunk out of it so you can really see the effects of each movement on each part of the muscle. If any other piece of art, this is the most effective work of art because people can actually take something away from seeing this. Medical researchers can discover new ways to heal the body and you can discover more about your body than any other piece of still art.

That's all for now!


Blue Words ~ October 5,2009

Oxford Union- the world’s most prestigious debating society
Mr. Stewart- Political Satirist
Mayor Rudy Giuliani- Governor for New York, ran in 2008 for president
Mick Jagger- Famous song writer and musician, sang in Rolling Stones
Deadpan -is a form of humor where the comic tells a joke without a change in emotion or facial expression
Copper bottomed- Reliable, genuine, trust-worthy
Cronkite- Walter Leland Cronkite, Jr. he was most known as the Anchorman for CBS Evening news for 19 years.
Gore Vidal - author, playt writer and polical activist. Outraged many because of his use of unambiguous homosexuals in novels
Jon Stewart-The Daily show Host
Steven Colbert- a Professional Political Satirist. Has a show named The Colbert Report.
Emile Zola-major figure in the political liberalization of France and in the falsely accused
Al Franken- American Politician, ran for senate in 2008 and won. He was also was a well known writer for Saturday Night Live
Swift- Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication: supplies secure messaging services and interface software to wholesale financial entities.
Glibly- Performed with a natural, offhand ease: Characterized by fluency of speech or writing that often suggests insincerity, superficiality, or a lack of concern.
Connoisseur- A person with expert training or knowledge. Especially in the fine arts department.
Swiftian Maxim- relating to Jonathan Swift ,like Swift's writings in tone or outlook; often, specif., sardonic, caustic, pessimistic, etc.
Bernie Goldberg- Emmy Award winner. Writer, correspondent, journalist and commentator. Currently works for Fox news and HBO
Heritage Foundation- A conservative think tank promoting public policy research and analysis based on free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom. a way for busy but concerned citizens to find their political voice in a system dominated by big money and big media.

That's all for now!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Telling About the US Today ~September 30, 2009

I believe in God. People in America, when looking for a reason to believe in God just want to see how that relationship will help them benefit personally. Since all they see is Christians having the same kind of life, or sometimes worse life, then they decide that they do not want that relationship with someone who will help them in the future. I think this has a lot to do with today’s society in the United States. In every potential relationship people start, they always determine if the relationship they build with this person would be worth it in the long run or not. For instance, a girl meets a guy in a bar and they start to talk and really get along. They decide to go out to dinner the next night. When it comes time to pay the check, the guy tells the girl that he is currently unemployed and therefore he can not pay for both his and her meal. After an amazing evening of getting along and genuinely enjoying each other’s company, the woman decides she no longer wants to see him. Why would Americans base, what could possibly be the greatest relationship they have had, on how much money a person can put into the relationship? Americans are constantly looking out for the big number one, themselves. If they think that having a relationship with someone would possibly contribute to their life in some way, they are more than open in pursuing the relationship. However if you cannot produce a benefit in their not so distant future, why would they waste their time on you?

That's all for now!


Whatever~ September 28, 2009

I read an article about a month ago that suggested that a mixture of honey and cinnamon powder can cure the flu, arthritis, the common cold, heart problems, and stomach ulcers. Each ailment has its own remedy but they all have been proven to improve the symptoms of all these sicknesses. I was interested in this myth because I have stomach and colon ulcers, so in digesting these interesting home remedy, I could be cured. After going on (a very reputable source of information), it told me that they have not performed enough research to create a concrete answer. After finding this out I decided to do my own research.
I have been doing my own experiment for the past month. Mixing a tablespoon of cinnamon powder and a tablespoon of honey in my mint tea every night before I go to bed, I have continued to search for anything that points to any disappointment in this method. However, after extensive (one month) research, I have come to a conclusion that it did not work for my colon ulcers. At first it seemed to have a slight effect, in that I didn’t have quite as much pain that I had been having previously. As a week turned into a month later, I have just now had my first flair up , thus proving that this claim to cure is just another empty ended myth. When it comes time for the flu and the cold though, I will be the first one to shove more cinnamon powder and honey down my throat if that means holding the flu or a cold at bay.

That's all for now!

Monday, September 28, 2009

News Sources ~September 25,2009

CNN is a great news station. From breaking news to updates in world events, CNN has always seemed to either be first or have some piece of the puzzle that no other station has or has reported on yet. Not only does it report on news, but also it reports on the latest ups and downs of the stock market. Also it has CNN student news in the morning for all students between sixth and twelfth grade. This broadcast has important breaking stories that the students need to be aware of, fun stories to keep them interested, and fun facts that make the kids think. Both in my high school and middle school, all of my government and history teachers recommended we watch this program in order to stay on top of worldly events.
I think that CNN would be considered better than other news sources, than let’s say AJC or Weekly World News, because not only does it constantly update its viewers on important issues, but it also appeals to many generations of people. Through its vivid news reports across the ocean to the continuous news about what is happening in the life of our president and country, these sort of reports appeal to the older generation who care about more than themselves at this stage in life. Then it also connects to the younger generation when it reports on entertainment and some form of conflicting politics. Finally CNN tends to reports both sides of most major stories.

That's all for now!


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Torrential down pour ~September 23,2009

While sitting at work on Monday evening, I did not hear the rain that had started after I had already entered work. Since there are no windows in the main room I work in, I had no idea of the down pour it had turned into. My boss entered shortly after I got into work and asked if I could run an errend for him and go over to the Humanity building just a few blocks away. I work in the School of Music building next to the Rialto Theater and the building is on Park place Ave. So I though.... no big deal its right down the street... Upon getting on the elevator to leave, my boss asked if I wanted an umbrella. I asked if it was raining yet and he answered that I can have his big umbrella. I declined and went and got my small umbrella.
When I stepped out of the door and on to the street to start walking there, it felt like a water fall was hitting my umbrella! So I swiftly made my way across the streets. The puddles looked like they were only a couple inches, however when I started to make my way across them, I soon found out that they were up to my knees.After I got back my boss took one look at me and flat out laughed. He told me I looked like I had drowned. I had water dripping from everwhere except my head. I quickly changed into some cheerleading shorts I luckily had from rock climbing earlier and went right back to work.
"Trying to swim back to my apartment was gonna be fun"
Thats all for now

Articles ~ September 21

This first article I chose is about a new plan to "Go Green".
Thesis: New way to offset emissions.
How : They gave the money it would take to get to a meeting to a power project in Andhra Pradesh, India. These plans use agricultural leftovers, like rice husks and sunflower stalks, to generate electricity for the local grid.
Evidence: using this money would cut down on the use of carbon dioxide emissions instead of driving or flying to the meeting.
Also because India's economy runs off of fossil fuels, coal, it would be beneficial that they start the use of agriculture left overs.
Interest: This article interested me because I cannot wait until we find the answer to stop polluting our earth.

The second article I chose was based off of crazy people and the deeds they do.

Thesis: Allan Jefferey Levine started the fires at either end of the apartment complex. How:He put trash in the stairs of either side of the apartmen complex, then lit the trash piles on fire in order to burn the whole complex down. Evidence:All neighbors gave testimonies
Atlanta Police interviews

Interest: This article interested mem not only because it shows people how crazy people are now a days but because my family fosters children and this is the story of why they are staying with us!

Thats all for now

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Review~ September 16,2009

I am reviewing Whitney Phillips' blog on her softball game entitled "Game Time"The content was not exactly descriptive and didn't really draw me, as a reader, in. I could tell she rushed to write this blog and she ran out of things to say. This was apparent in the ways that she really did not describe certain things as well as she could have and also how she rambled about their team and their next game. I didn't like how she commented that she didn't know if they were a good team or the opposite team was just bad. She should know that her team is good and defend why they are and have more confidence in all their hard work they have put in to getting the team to where it is competitively. Also I don't think that using smiley faces in an English assignment were appropriate because it makes the reader not take you seriously. Finally I did not like how she used so many oooooo’s in some words. I think that makes the reader feel like they are reading a note between two little school girls who have some juice gossip.
However I do like the way she told the scores for both the matches her team played in that day. This information makes the reader have team spirit for her and her team mates. Also I liked how the girls, fans, and coaches cheered each player on as they battled against the college Young Harris. When she described the weather, I thought she did a great job at throwing in the softness of the wind and that it was just right except for the humidity. Over all I think she did a good job!

Thats all for now!

Momma Panda~ September 18,2009

I chose to commentate on the Mother and baby Panda picture. In this picture, I can infer that the mother panda just gave birth to a new baby. Through the way that the mother is looking at her baby with such awe, I can tell that this experience is new to her, in that she just gave birth to it. Also she seems to be kind of reaching her arm to the baby, to be able to help it stand if it so desires. Through this action I can tell that the momma panda really cares about the baby. This is interesting to me because most animals do not really show that they care about their children. Most animals often use the parenting style of “tough love”. The parenting style “tough love” lets their baby experience life as it would if the parent is not there to care for it, then whenever trouble is there and it really needs help, the parent then steps in to keep it from harm. This style I believe is the most beneficial because if every thing is spoon fed to it then it will not learn by mistake and when it comes time for the baby to leave the parents, it will not know what to do. I chose this picture because of the way that the mother shows her love to the baby not by words but by action. This is the most important way to show love to someone.

That's all for now!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Whatever ~September 14,2009

So last week there was this great up roar about these 2 teachers who went on Craig's list and bought 2 prostitutes. Those 2 teachers were my teachers from high school.... One was my chorus director who I was with all four years of my high school career and the other teacher was the band director, in which I was with for the first 2 years of high school through color guard. I was in shock. Both directors were recently divorced with children involved. These people were some of the most professional people I had grown to know. In fact one of the rules while in both departments were that we could not touch eachother, including hugs, for more than 3 seconds.
While the details are still being unfolded, Whitewater High school is now looking for new choral and band directors. My father has been the unofficial assistant choral director for the past 6 years, so he is applying for the job. I know that my dad is the hardest working man alive and he has proved that time and time again to not only the chorus department but also the principal of my high school ,so I am pretty sure he has the job in the bag. However if the board needs more proof that he is perfect for the job, several old students are writting letters to tell how he has improved their voices and also their lifes. You see my dad is the kind of person who helps people not only professionally but also in everyday situations. No matter what the problem, he always has a solution for you, and he is ALWAYS right no matter how many times I did not want to admit it.
If you want to read more about the teacher situation go here:
Thats all for now!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Regionalism ~ September 11,2009

Those two articles affected my perception on the Magnolia state by showing me how racist people there, and every where could be. In the first article, the people of Mississippi showed that not all people are ignorant to the ways of society now- a- days. Welcoming all sorts of people into the restaurant with open arms really showed that some people want to move on and make everyone comfortable with the skin they are in. I think that it was a great booster for those who are wanting to move on a light at the end of a tunnel. However in the second article, racism really showed through, proving that it was still alive and thriving. People should not take the law into their own hands no matter if you think they deserve it or not. That is for the people that each city ordains to take care of those thing's job, not the people who got wrong done to them. If you take the law into your own hands, your mind is blurred from the truth and what you thought happened might not have actually happened.I really didn't know much about Mississippi before I read these two articles. I have never been there and honestly I don't really feel the need to go there. I see that racism still has a place in their hearts, not that it doesn't any where else, but I strongly dislike the thought of people having such bad attitudes towards people just because of the way they were born.

That's all for now!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The President's Address ~ September 9,2009

Ok so the presidential address to the kids in school had great potential and great intentions behind it, however, I do not think that it should have been aired in every school. I think that kids should stay in school and I believe that they will prosper from it, however I don't think it makes much of a difference if their parents tell them to do it or president Obama tells them to do it. Thought I believe that it was not really beneficial, I think it is stupid that it has been going under this much scrutiny. Obama just wanted to reinforce the stay in school success message and not take over as a dictator. Presidents in the past have done this very thing and they did not get half as much scrutiny as Obama has gotten these past few days. I just believe that basically his message was redundant to what the students hear from their parents and if they hear it enough they would just disregard the message and not want to hear the underlined message again, The underlined message being, stay in school or you will not achieve what you dream of achieving. For example, it is like your mom telling you not to drink, then your dad telling you not to drink, then the president telling you not to drink. They are all saying the same thing but in the end, you are going to do what you want to do no matter who tells you not to do it.

Thats All for now!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Colorful Beach ~September 4,2009

I had the opportunity to visit West Palm Beach with my best friend for my 3 day weekend.As I surveyed the beach, I saw the glistening of the brilliantly blue water as it ran up to the shore and like a shy child, ran back to join the rest of the family of water. Also during my people watching time, I observed a woman about three times the size of me squeeze into a bikini and lye in the beach and turn redder and more purple by the second as the sun rays seeped deep into her blabby skin. The sun, brilliant and bright, showed us the splendor if all the power it is capable as we gazed into the sky to catch a glimpse of a small air plane trailing a long banner behind its powerful engine. Of all these things, my most favorite sight on the beach was the constant game of male beach volley ball just a few yard in front of the spot we chose. Observing as the young men constantly dove in such a selfless way, no matter the sand burn they got, to save their team from utter defeat was just amazing to me. Sweat dripped down from their head to the bottoms of their ankles, and with every dive they made, more sand got stuck to their bodies for the rest of the game. However when they won, they had the sweet victory to claim for all the sand gliding into every inch of their bodies.

Thats all for now!


Thursday, September 3, 2009

My Favorite Song ~September 2,2009

I listen to alot of music and all sorts if it; however, my favorite song of all time is Lucky by Jason Mraz and Colbie Cailat.This song is my favorite song because the lyrics describe the ideal way a couple should feel about each other. The song is about a couple who are away from each other at the moment and they are reminiscing about when they will get to see each other again. Talking to each other through dreams, each of the people in the relationship tells about hearing the whispers of their lover across the sea. Then in the chorus it describes how their relationship is. Being in love with their best friend and staying true to each other even though they are miles apart. As the song progresses, they continue to tell about all the things they are luck for and waiting for that moment when they get to hold each other again. Also my favorite line in the song is “They don't know how long it takes, waiting for a love like this”. This is my favorite line because people don’t realize how long it takes to find true love and people now-a – days just jump into relationships and tell each other they love them when they don’t even know what love is themselves.
Also the music behind the lyrics makes you really relax and creates a chill environment. They use a simple guitar rhythm, a simple drum pattern, and a few notes from the piano as instrumentation for this song. Using such simplicity for the background music lets the listener hear more of what the artists are saying rather than being distracted by something that is made to be in the background.

Thats all for now!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Anything ~ August 31,2009

People change when they go to college. I always thought this was a myth until I experienced it first -hand. My boy friend and I had been together for almost a year when he left for college. He was a year older than I, so when he left I was still in my senior year in High school. Everyone started to tell me that we wouldn't last because he would change and then the next year I would leave and I would also change. I didn't want to believe it. We started out very strong, we wouldn't talk every day, but he would always make sure I heard from him at least once a week. Then he started coming home on the weekends to see me, we were doing just fine. However when college ended at the end of April, he came home and something was different. I didn't see the change in him until after he settled back into our old routine we had established before he left. When he left one night, when we were supposed to be having a date, to go to Marietta to visit some of his college friends, I knew that that was the last straw. Some of the things he had gotten into in college were just not something I could live with for the rest of my life. So about 3 weeks after he came home we broke up. It was a hard thing to learn but now I realize just how much people do change in college.

Thats all for now!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

My Hometown ~August 28,2009

I grew up in a pretty large town in the out skirts of St. Louis Missouri named St. Charles. All of my extended family lived within about fifteen minutes away from our house; this is usually a bad thing, however we all were very close. My cousins were like my sisters and my grandparents were always around to help us if we needed it. Breathing was a lot easier because the air was a lot less humid and thick than what it is in Georgia. Everything was clean in our town from the streets to all the buildings and from what I knew, there was no horrific crime. It was not a small town but everyone went to the same church and therefore everyone knew pretty much everyone else. My family was the most well know in the town because my dad was the preacher at the church everyone went to. We were considered to be the "perfect family". When I was around six years old, we moved to Georgia. We went from being well known to not known at all. This gave our family the chance to become the family we would have been if we didn't have to have such a perfect life. Ever since then my family has been pulled together and gotten closer, as much that I would call my sister's my best friends. However we have become a lot more distant from my extended family, mostly because we only get to see them about once or twice a year.

Thats all for now!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Most Funniest Thing! ~Aug 26,2009

This clip is a lemur that has really big eyes and the theme song for a movie making group played behind his eyes even wider. I don't know why this is so hilarious but for some reason every time I watch it, I can not help but laugh.

That's all

Monday, August 24, 2009

Whatever~ August 24, 2009

I would like to write about how frustrating disorganized colleges are. I hate deadlines so I always do things right when I am told to do them so I don't forget. When I was told that I had to send in my shot records in order to register for classes, I sent them in immediately (that was in April). I remember this because I had to go get one more shot , which was my tetanus shot, and I got it just one day before my big performance. I can clearly remember that because getting your tetanus shot hurts and makes your arm stiff. During the last rehearsal, I could barely move my arm above my shoulder when I was supposed to have them straight up above my head. Then the day after I received this shot and my arm was all bruised and swollen I walked down to the end of my driveway before I left for yet another rehearsal and stuffed the envelope into the mail box.
So today I go on line to my records just to make sure I had no holds and to see if everything is right and I saw that they said I never sent in my shot records.....(the ones I sent back in April) So I called my mom to see if she could possibly get a copy of my records and fax ANOTHER one to them. Luckily, my mom makes copies of all our important documents and keeps them in a file for future references. So now I owe my mom for not getting kicked out of my classes because college is so disorganized.

That's all for now!


Friday, August 21, 2009

Narrative Essay ~ August 21,2009

I chose to write about “Lost Wallet” by Ellie Stricklen because it is about losing something that you always have with you. Having lost that something really makes you appreciate it for when you do have it near you. The writer does a great job in making you feel the loss that he had through the way he describes everything in his essay. I think this article is worth reading because everyone can relate to loosing something of value.
At first the writer makes the connection to the reader by explaining how important a wallet or a purse is to each individual, making that item irreplaceable to whomever it belongs to. He then moves the story forward by explaining his personal experience with loosing this precious material object. The writer thus connects to the reader by being descriptive and holding the reader’s attention throughout the entirety of the article. Finally he closes the essay by telling the reader what he has learned from the experience and how it affects his life from here on out. This being that he should simply think before he acts.In reading this article, I found that in being careless and self- absorbed nothing ever works out for the best in any situation. If a person just showed that he would have really cared about this material object, then he would have made sure that he had it at all times, sometimes even checking randomly. You seem to never appreciate things you have until they are gone it proves.

Thats all for now!


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Personal narrative~ August 19, 2009

For my personal narrative I will be writing on the death of someone close to me. I feel that this topic is the best for me because I will be able to use my own experience of loosing someone very close to me. Therefore, I feel that I will be able to have the best emotional connection between me and my reader. In this narrative I will be establishing the connection that my best friend and I had, making the reader feel how close we were, through describing the experiences and life lessons that we had to learn and go through together. Then I will tell of the event that lead her to her death, meanwhile making the reader feel the tention and suspense that we felt while waiting for the answer. Also I will go through the time in the hospital we spent together, letting the reader feel pain that her death caused me. Finally, I will explain the aftermath of her death and what it meant to me as a person for the rest of my life.I feel that this story is good for this assignment because this was one of the most life altering things that have ever happened to me. Also I know that I can relate to many people and get them to understand all that I had been through and continue to live through even to today. People will be able to relate or emphasize with me because many people loose someone very dear to them every day.

That's all for now!
